Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Celiac Vs. Change in Character

My topic Proposal is the desieas known as celiac. Celiac Sprue can be a deadly disease that you get from birth and develope symptoms overtime. The symptoms are painful because the pain sit in your digestive track allowing you to feel bloated, nauseas, fatigue, constipation, and even weight loss. Although weight loss may sound enticing, you will still end uop with all the other symptoms; like a present. Celiac has a specific diet that can help avoid the symptoms; this diet is known as the "Gluten Free" diet.
The reason I am interested in talking about the celiac or the gluten free diet is because when I was helping in a phhysical therapy program I was lucky to work with a little boy who was diagnosed with autism. He came into the program throwing tantrums; no focus what so ever and his skin pigment was orange almost like the color from one of those fake tans gone bad. The therapist Dan Conley, who was my teacher, had the little boys mother take him to a nutritionist, not because his health was bad he just wanted to see the amount of sugar intake the boy was recieving in a day. Come to find out the nutritionist decided to to put the boy on a gluten free diet. Every day he came to the program with certain snacks such as; corn tortillas, puffins' cereal, and yogurt. After a few weeks he was able to focus on one thing instead of ten things at a time, his cognitive thinking was finally kicking in for him. The funny thing is that after he was put on this diet his skin color went from the fake tan orange to a normale pigment color. So for my arugment; Does Celiac have an effect on your body and change your characteristics by changing your daily intake of starches and sugars? And does it have an effect on your skin color?


  1. I think this will be a good topic to write your paper on! You seem to know a lot about this topic and want to know more about this topic! Have fun writing it!

  2. This is a very interesting topic. I believe that it will be a good topic to wright about. It seems that you are focused on what you want to write about. Hopefully there is alot of research that you can do to help you out on this topic! Good luck!!!!
